He has depicted Queen Elizabeth II as a chimpanzee, tagged the West Bank border fence, and even sneaked his own Mona Lisa into the Louvre. Twenty years of work has caused Banksy to become a household name in the world of street art - all the while preserving his anonymity. Unfortunately, the on-going game of intrigue seems to be over. A photograph taken in 2004- including photographer Peter Dean Rickards- supposedly reveals Banksy as Robin Gunningham, a 34-year-old Bristol, England native. His elusiveness added to the themes of social injustice and hierarchies of power, which were a focal point in his art. Personally, I'm a little pissed that the mystery seems to be solved for good this time. Part of me is hoping this is just another "false" Banksy, but if not, then congratulations Robin Gunningham for climbing the bright shiny ladder of commercial success without a first or last name.
why the heck would you write about banksy on here. are you 15
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