Reason #1: Nowhere to have it. Apparently Wrigley Field is being considered for field events. I don't really care about the Cubs, but this means NO CUBS GAMES for probably most of the summer while they prune and pick the little blades of grass to Olympic perfection. And um, has anyone ever been to Wrigleyville? It's like the Fiji house. Neighborhood 20-somethings will be throwing cans of PBR into the stadium from their apartment rooftops.
Reason #2: Traffic jams. One time there was a Sox game AND a Bon Jovi concert on the same night and it took me over an hour to get from Chinatown to Hyde Park on the Dan Ryan.
Reason #3: No $$$$$$$. Why spend money on fixing the rotted, dilapidated, derailed CTA when you can build tall diving boards with it instead? How about the millions of dollars they spent just hanging up those stupid "2016 Olympic Bid" banners along Michigan avenue? I noticed them on the way to the L, where I regrettably paid the official 25 cent increase in fare charges.
Reason #4: Foreigners vs. Foreigners. Chicago is already a diverse city! There are Puerto Ricans and Mexicans in Humboldt Park and Pilsen, Chinese in Chinatown, blacks on the south side, a few Indians on Devon St. and the master hipster race in Wicker Park. There is no room for Koreans, French or Canadians.
Reason #5: Bathrooms. Chicago seriously lacks functioning public restrooms, so I would imagine that thousands upon thousands of porta-potties will have to be implemented throughout the city. Have you ever been to Lollapalooza? Have you seen the mountains of poop that accumulate in those things over 3 days? TRY 3 WEEKS!
Reason #6: Most people don't realize this, but when a city signs up for the "Summer Olympics", it also has to host the Paralympics. Apparently "Paralympics" isn't even a real word, since my spell check is underling it in red right now, which means it probably shouldn't exist in real life either.
Chicago's rival cities are Rio de Janeiro, Toyko, and Madrid. The final selection will be made on October 2nd in Copenhagen by a panel of Danish super models.
I love that it isn't a word
I remember reading something about when people were considering Chicago, they mentioned something about how we don't have a well-enough CTA system for the millions of people who would be coming here.
it's not going to happen! there is NO WHERE for it at ALL! There's not enough room for what we have now! They're going to elevate the ground under lake michigan to house all the foreigners.
so i stumbled across this because i am an avid facebook stalker, and i thoroughly enjoy the topic and words to follow. Can i also add that whenever a city hosts the olympics... the olympics overstay their welcome. There will be olympic shit to remind us how massively unfortunate we have been to receive the olympics and the shit fest that comes with it for years and years to come, and of course since the city thinks its COOL or something, we'll always be known as Chicago: " yeah, we had the olmypics once" windy city (which people still think is because its windy, which in itself is ridonculous) Well anyways, i share your extreme distaste for the possibility of this occurring and unlike you i very much care if there are no cubs games for an entire summer.
yours truly,
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