

It's stylish. It's superficial. I'm addicted!
Lookbook is a personalized version of Face Hunter on steroids. Join if you can. Browse but be careful. It'll suck you in. Check out some of the looks I've hyped here.


JazzCakes said...

We'd love an invite, if you're feeling generous?

jtbolyar said...

I don't get it. But I want it.

Molly B said...

you should totes send me an invite code, ms. fiel !!!

ratzo said...

lookbook is laaaame. ive never seen so many self centered "aspiring" models in my life. kinda reminds me of all those little communities on livejournal. it's all a formula and i think it goes something like this.

buy cool vintage clothes + get nice camera angle + mess up hair + stand in attractive position + add photoshop if unpleased = lookbook.nu

katrina said...

haha, ratzo, you've got the "formula" down almost perfectly. you forgot the pretentiousness added by the "invitation only" site membership.

oh well...it might be lame, but most things on the internet are.